More space, privacy, and premium meals? Book at a discount during the Real Deal Days.
Start your trip in ultimate luxury. Book now and get the most out of the KLM Real Deal Days.
Take advantage of additional discounts on KLM Holidays package trips during the Real Deal Days. With KLM Holidays you can put together your ideal holiday. Book your dream trip now for an extra discount!
Booking period: 7 u/i 20 January 2025. When will you fly? View travel periods
Tickets: Lowest available return fares. All amounts are shown in EUR. Taxes, surcharges and booking fees included. A payment surcharge may apply. Prices may vary depending on fare availability. Click on the fare to check available travel dates. Subject to change.
KLM Holidays: Fares apply per person based on a trip for 2 people. Indicated fares are the lowest available based on a return flight, including all mandatory costs. Excluding any credit card costs. Prices may vary based on fare availability for flight, hotel and/or car.